Our Moʻolelo
Fentanyl was first recognized on Hawaiʻi Island around 2017-2018. The origin of the Task Force began in November 2021 when a 14-year-old girl died at home on Hawaiʻi Island of a fentanyl overdose. Although the cause of death was not officially confirmed until August 2022, community members and health professionals knew quickly.
A small group subsequently approached Mayor Mitch Roth, and the coalition now known as the Hawaiʻi Island Fentanyl Task Force (HIFTF) was formed.
In July 2023, the Big Island Substance Abuse Council (BISAC) became our 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor. With their financial vitality, BISAC entered into an MOA with the County to receive $460,900.00 of Opioid Settlement funds over the next two fiscal years. This funding will allow us to expand our efforts in all areas of our operation drastically.
Six focus areas help guide the hands-on work of our task force: Data Evaluation and Analysis, Education and Prevention, Harm Reduction, Recovery Support, Screening and Early Intervention, and Treatment Services.
The HIFTF is led by Dr. Hannah Preston Pita, Uncle Wally Lau, and Dr. Kevin Kunz.