3rd Annual Hawaiʻi Fentanyl
& Addictions Summit
Monday, August 5, 2024 • Hilo Hawaiian Hotel
The 3rd Annual Hawaiʻi Fentanyl and Addictions Summit successfully brought together a diverse group of stakeholders to address critical issues surrounding the opioid epidemic in our island community. This year, we had a robust attendance of over 177 individuals, reflecting a growing interest and commitment to tackling these pressing problems. Our post-summit survey garnered responses from 116 attendees, a 65.5% response rate.
The demographic data from the survey highlighted a higher participation rate among females than males. Additionally, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander attendees formed the largest ethnic group, followed by White/Caucasian and Asian American participants. This demographic representation underscores the summit's reach and relevance across different community groups, particularly those most affected by addiction issues in Hawaiʻi.
Feedback from the surveys indicated that the event overwhelmingly met attendees' expectations, showcasing the effectiveness of our sessions, speakers, and overall organization. However, a recurring suggestion for future summits was the inclusion of more breakout sessions. Attendees expressed a desire for more focused and interactive discussions that allow for deeper dives into specific topics. This feedback will be instrumental in planning next year's summit, ensuring we continue to meet the evolving needs of our community and enhance the efficacy of our collective efforts against fentanyl and addiction.